Today i took some pics of a few things i bought the last few weeks. Hopefully I can finally take this weekend pics of my clothes again.. and upload the pics of last weekend :) still have to get them ~~
bought this ballerina when i visited Missy at Mainz last weekend, i really needed a stand for my earrings and the ballerina matched perfectly into my room. The bigger ones are still in my jewelry case.
and yeah some new jewelry. everything expect the barclet in the background is from Gina Tricot, 3 of them were on sale.
A new handbag which is already sold out in the store. I needed a small black one and when i saw this one at the store i fell in love with it and had to buy it !
Some time ago I saw them at görtz but when i wanted to buy them they were sold out in my size ): but it seemed that they restocked them again so i had to buy them !
I already wore them last saturday when we went out for clubbing and i have to say that they're pretty uncomfortable after a while. They're 12 cm or something..
and last but not least oreo.