Wore this in the last week of May, I really like this Outfit, it's nearly the same like I wore at Japan day. Got this cute Bodyline bag at japan day from a friend, I love it so much <3
This day I had no idea what to wear, I just took some random things and wore some thights I bought last year when I was in japan.. but not sure if I like them since I guess that my legs look kind of 'fat' with them..
Cardigan: Zara; Blouse: ank rouge; Skirt: Tralala
I was sick, the days before I took that outfit, and couldn't go to school ): I already mendtioned this dress in my last post, it's so pretty <3 I like this dress so much!
Dress: Yumetenbo on the right you can see the outfit with shoes and socks <3
Vivian and I bought the same dress a while ago at H&M kids, but never had the chance to wear it since it was always too cold.. but that day it was finally warm enough to wear it! later this day I went with a Classmate to a shopping mall and tried the matcha frappuccino, it was so tasty <3
Dress: H&M kids, Necklace: Paris Kids/ Liz Lisa
just a simpel outfit for work, had no idea what to wear...
Cardigan/Blouse: Gina Tricot; Ribbon/Skirt: Tralala
First Outfit with my Liz Lisa shoes, I love them! They're so pretty and just perfect!! Finally could wear this dress again, got it last year when I was in Japan, it's so pretty and beautiful, one of my fav. dresses!
Dress: Liz Lisa; Cardigan: Pimkie; Shoes: Liz Lisa
later that day we went to a fair with my school, I had some time to meet a friend and hat a great time with my classmates <3
This morning I felt like dressing up again, I finally wore my Liz Lisa dress again, after nearly a whole year! I don't know what I didn't wear it after japan because it's so pretty and so perfect ; x ;
Dress: Liz Lisa; Cardigan: Jesus Diamante; Jacket: Gina Tricot; Necklace: Liz Lisa/Paris Kids; Shoes: Liz Lisa
Last fridays Outfit, nothing special I just wanted to wear my Vivienne Westwood shoes that day <3 They are so pretty, love them so much!
Blouse: Forever 21; Skirt: Liz Lisa; Shoes: Vivienne Westwood
xoxo Blanka