My holidays are in a few days over and i guess i've spent more time with missy than with other people, haha.
Ok now about new years eve, i spent it with missy and Jasmin, we stayed at home until 1 am i guess before we went clubbing. It was such a great night..ok except the few accidents i had ):
Actually i wanted to wear the leather dress jasmin is wearing on the pics but at work i saw this silver dress on a co-worker and yeah fell in love with it. So i gave jasmin my leather dress :)

Dress: Gina Tricot
Shoes: Bullboxer

we were kind of drunk
we made some pretty strange food for example Pommes hot dogs, i forgot my veggi sausages at home and after new year all the veggi products were sold out.. so we had the idea to use pommes instead of sausage and it was so good !

And i guess most of the time we played call of duty (i failed so hard...)

[missy in the background playing call of]
And now i hate this feeling when you hangend 24 hours with your best friend and now you're at home alone and you're forced to eat normal and healthy things again and play wii because you have no ps3 ):
Ich hätte Jasmin im erste Moment gar nicht erkannt! XD Ihr drei seht bezaubernd aus! <3 Und ich lübe deine Haare **
AntwortenLöschenPommes-Hotdogs...das könnte eine Makrtlücke sein!
ihr seht wahnsinnig toll aus.
AntwortenLöschenund pommes hot dogs...hmmm!
you all look super sexy!! *__*! and the hot dogs look really good XDDDD I want one now o__o!