I already own a few Gina Tricot jeans but this one (and the Kristens series) are probably the most comfiest jeans I ever bought ! I still want to buy few other ones in the next months, so I can finally throw my old ugly ones away. I guess the name of this jeans is Sophie, but I'm not sure...
New sunglasses for upcoming summer. I lost my old ones at Vero Moda so I had to buy a new one ): When I went to work I saw those and hat to buy them, together with the case. I love big sunglasses so this ones are just perfect for me.
aaaand a clutch for clubbing. we had a similar one 2-3 months ago I guess, I wanted to buy this one but I wasn't sure because the clinches were gold, and I don't wear gold accessories for clubbing and yeah after a while i decided to buy it but then it was sold out. And yeah now we got a new modell in silver !! BUT...I don't like the skull that much.. (the gold one was without skull)
oh yeah today I'm going to cook
oh yeah my best friends of the last few days..

me after my exam.. yeah you can see the beautiful circles around my eyes..
and last but not least thank you very much for the comments. I never answered comments before but I'm going to do this from today on, so please leave a comment <3
sorry..my brain isn't working anymore..
hey danke nochmals fürs "bereits folgen" :)
AntwortenLöschenich muss auch noch meien prüfungen schreiben :-/
denke mal du meinst die abiturprüfungen :D
ich hab letzte woche schon deutsch und geschichte, meine Lk's geschrieben :( freitag dann bio und nächsten monat mündluch english :( hab echt angst ...aber ich wünsch dir viel glück, du schaffst das!! :)
liebe grüße
PS: ich mag deine haare voooll (´3`)
Deine, nennen wir es mal Prüfungsunterlagen kommen mir mega bekannt vor xD Ich hab auch mal die ganzen Fasern lernen müssen...ich fands schrecklich! Aber viel Glück ♥
AntwortenLöschenDiese Faserstrukturen auswendig zu lernen muss ja richtig furchtbar sein. o_O ich drücke dir fest die Daume!<3 ich liebe auch große sonnenbrillen <3 abet bei GT habe ich noch nie was gekauft. ich muss mal schauen gehen XD du siehst super süss aus!<3
AntwortenLöschenyou bought an amazing clutch! good luck for the other exams!
AntwortenLöschenschöne bilder^^