Sonntag, 16. September 2012

Rest in Peace

The beginning of the summer was awesome, I finally graduated from school, went to japan with my best friend, started my dressmaker class and everything was just perfect. But everything has to come to an end right ?

Two weeks ago my mother told me that something was wrong with my cat, but I didn't care because my mother I always overreacting so I thought she might be overreacting too... but a few days later I realized that something is really wrong with him, so we went to an doctor with him, they told us that he has cancer..I couldn't believe this because in since we got him never was something wrong with him, the next day we went to another doctor who also told us that there is no hope for him, they wanted to put him on sleep but we couldn't do that, so we took him home.

I thought that he would feel better soon because he ate normally and everything

One of the last pictures of him...

but last wednesday he had a dyspnea (don't know if this is right) we were scared that this could happen again and we came to the decisin that it might be the best to put him to sleep, my mother and I cried so much but be killed by a dyspnea would be maybe worse and more painful than this.. and we didn't want that he might die in pain.. so on thursday the doctor came and euthanized him..we stayed by his side the whole time and.. I never cried this much in my life..

Everyone who knows me know that I love my cats more than anything in the world, for me they are like family members and when oliver died a part of my heart dyed too.

I would love to know what his real age was because we "only" had him for 13 years but he was already few years old when we got him, so I guess he must have been around 16 or 17..

I miss him so much, it feels so strange to not call his name when it's time for food or seeing him behind me when i'm in the kitchen..

This wednesday he'll be cremated, I happy that we can be there too to say goodbye to him..

July 2012

Rest in Peace Oliver

this was few minutes after his death..

19xx - 1999 - 13. 09. 2012 

and I'll never forget you..

I don't know when I'll do another blog entry.. I need some time to think about everything right now..and still have so much to do since I wasn't at school for a few days..
I'm very happy that my friends,my family, teachers and my boss are trying to help me and cheer me up..

and sorry for all the mistakes here, I was crying while I wrote this.

4 Kommentare:

  1. Meine liebe Blanka. Es tut mir sehr, sehr Leid für euch. Aber Oliver hatte viel Glück solch fürsorgliche, liebende Familienmitglieder wie euch zu haben. Fühle dich ganz doll gedrückt in dieser schweren Zeit!

  2. Es tut mir sehr Leid für dich...sowas ist immer schwer, aber er hatte bestimmt eine wunderschöne Zeit bei dir.

  3. i'm so so sorry for you. i have tears in my eyes because i can feel how you feel at the moment. i lost my 16 years old cat this year also because of cancer. it's hard, but oliver will always live in your heart! it was the best for him. and now he have no more pain. it was the right decision-

  4. Ich muss gerade weinen, es tut mir so Leid für dich und ich bin froh das Oliver ein schönes Katzenleben und vor allem langes bei dir hatte. Es war wirklich das beste für Ihn wie ihr entschieden habt und ich mag gar nicht daran denken, wie es ist wenn meine Hachiko tot ist.
    Fühl dich bitte ganz dolle gedrückt <3
